CRM for banking

CRM for


Digitally driven, world-class customer experience

With ORLIG, you can fulfill the needs of your most profitable customers and manage their expectations throughout the journey. What’s more, a solid understanding of banking industry regulations and industry-specific features, is conveniently built into the system.


With ORLIG CRM, now you can

CRM for Banking

Increase acquisitions, referrals & retention 

Hyper-personalised promotional campaigns built on social insights can get you new customers and make existing ones feel special. Satisfied customers are also likely to share their positive experience with others.

Optimise & automate interactions

Customers may be interested in other services your business provides. Having the right data prepares you for future opportunities while fulfilling present needs. Automatic reminders and notifications also provide the opportunity to be proactive.

Regulations? We’ve got you covered!

It’s a highly regulated industry for good reasons. Our systems are designed to make life easy by managing complaints according to stated regulatory processes.

ORLIG CRM is used and trusted in over 10 countries across Asia

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And there’s more

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Digital CX

Creating an experience backed by digital expertise ensures that your customers stay loyal. It also allows you to bundle offers more accurately and reduce costs.

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Single view
across channels

All the strategic information available conveniently and consistently at a glance, and all your team members on the same page, ensuring minimal chances of error.

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Comprehensive analysis
& reporting 

Accurately predict trends so that you can serve customers proactively. It’s possible when you have clear and usefully-presented data on hand at all times.